OSCID™ is an innovative and multifunctional case management, intelligence, e-discovery and digital forensics database created by investigators for investigators. The many features of OSCID™ include real time note taking; task and exhibit management, case synopsis, case statistics; link analysis, full text searching, electronic disclosure, dispatching, ticketing and permits and much more. OSCID™ provides a powerful intelligence database, iSEP™, for those corporate or police agencies that would like to share intelligence while not sharing their full case details. iSEP™ can be implemented in a closed environment (known contributors) or an open environment (unknown contributors).
OSCID™ also makes electronic discovery faster and easier by giving the legal team the tools they require for managing large volumes of data.
“Our team has been using OSCID™ for a number of years to record and manage our global brand protection investigations. It is a very powerful and cost effective system that has enabled our investigators to effectively manage their day-to-day investigative and mark verification workload. Digital Evidence International Inc. has developed an impressive program and the ongoing support they provide our team has been outstanding”.
All content including attachments are full text searchable.
“We have been collecting digital and paper intelligence for well over a decade and having DEI process it into their R3FD™ database. Data collected from judicially authorized search warrants as well as data voluntarily submitted to us is processed into R3FD™ and then researched for current investigations including our extensive end user program. Without OSCID™ and its R3FD™ database our investigations would not be possible”
We methodically acquire, authenticate, reconstruct and examine data from digital storage media using the latest hardware and software and analytical techniques to present digital evidence at judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings.
When gathering data from digital storage devices (watches, cellphones, laptops, hard drives, backup tapes and computer servers), we create a forensic copy to analyze while cataloguing and preserving the original evidence. We have the sophistication to manage design variances in cellphones and their incompatibility with operating systems – improper handling can easily cause complete data loss, especially during long-term storage.
Our technical, analytical, and investigative computer forensics expertise goes well beyond that of in-house IT professionals. We collaborate with your team to create a formidable presence for your litigation support, affidavits, and expert witness testimony, discussing matters in plain language without inflammatory statements, buzzwords or hype.
Note: Seek computer forensics advice well in advance of any proceedings to help your legal team understand the complexities of digital evidence and prepare for opposing counsel's forensic experts' affidavit.
Breach of contract
Child custody
Database analysis
Employee termination
Intelligence gathering
Internet investigations
Theft of intellectual property
Trademark and patent matters
Wrongful dismissal
We collect large volumes of electronic evidence and process them into our proprietary OSCID™ database for discovery review. OSCID™ is the most affordable and flexible electronic discovery platform available today.
DEI's litigation proprietary support database and end-to-end electronic discovery solutions help you identify, preserve, collect, migrate and disclose electronic evidence cost-effectively and efficiently.
Our forensic experts will help you manage your electronic production with options that meet your financial constraints and legal obligations. Reviewing your electronic records does not have to be a burdensome expense that cripples your valuable resources.
We archive content from the internet and conduct online investigations to determine the human identity behind patent, copyright, trademark, counterfeit and other intellectual property infringement cases. Our proprietary and revolutionary OSCID™ database holds millions of records that expand daily for fast, cost-effective client research or litigation purposes.
Our intellectual property protection services and software help you make critical business decisions to detect and prevent cybercrime.